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 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



4th September 2017

Mangawhai is going to the dogs

Canines who reside in Mangawhai will soon have a large free space where they can get in touch with their ‘inner wild dog’, a place to romp and do all things doggy-like without restrictions of harness and leash.


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Ed Said - Political games continue

From a slow start in August, what a political month it’s been, from the Todd Barclay affair where he should have been ousted a year ago, to Andrew Little falling on his sword, Metiria Turei’s inevitable resignation......


KDC staff country’s best paid says Union

Compared to every council in New Zealand, Kaipara District Council pays a higher proportion of its staff a salary over $100,000, according to Ratepayers’ Report, the Taxpayers’ Union’s 2017 local government league tables.


Greg Gent KDC-681

People triumph over development

A group of Mangawhai residents have succeeded in suspending a development that sought to carve up a block of land into bite size pieces, irrespective of the District Plan property sizes.
16 MF-Pearsonst1-32

Candidates meeting attracts full house

Though it was disappointing that only three political parties were represented, it was still a full house at the Mangawhai Golf Club last week to see and hear how each saw the political landscape and their major focus leading up to the elections.

candidates meeting-87

Guest Opinion - Time for a decision on Maori seats

Do we retain or abolish the Maori seats? This is the question New Zealand First wants to put to New Zealanders in a binding referendum at the midpoint of our next term in government.


Baking comp heats up Hakaru

A tasty fundraiser involving sugar and spice and all things nice is being whipped up to help preserve an old local establishment and benefit a much-needed community service.

The Hakaru Hall Committee is putting out an invitation to all budding bakers willing to put their best baked goods forward for the associations first Hakaru’s Hottest Homebaker competition on September 17.


More consistent speed limits to improve safety through Kaiwaka

Changes to speed limits on State Highway 1 through Kaiwaka township will make it safer for residents and road users.

Following support and positive public feedback and consultation the NZ Transport Agency is introducing more consistent speed limits.

Kaiwaka credit flickrSids1 -21

Military destroys mystery canister on beach

A paraglider’s leisurely flight high above Mangawhai’s surf beach on August 19 ended with a call out to the NZ Navy after he spotted a suspicious cylinder lying on the shores of the wildlife refuge.


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Business networking circle formed

Business owners, self-contractors and people who work remotely from home through-out east Kaipara now have another avenue of networking support available.

Two meetings were held in mid-August, one aimed at individuals involved in all things to do with property, the other for those involved in a wider genre of business, attracted a cross-section of retailers, artists, lifestyle property maintenance and business motivators to builders, tradespeople, real estate, painters and even Freeview installers.


Gardening with Gael - On the hunt for a vainiglia orange

Spring is here and with it the uncertain weather that brings on late winter colds and flu. Just as well the citrus are ripening, ready to boost immune systems and add cheer to a dull day. Large round balls of orange glisten on the trees.


Warkworth trio going Baroque

Pictured from left, performers Polly Sussex (baroque cello and gamba), Rita Paczian (mezzo and harpsichord), John Green (baroque oboe and oboe d’amore) combine to bring enthusiasts an afternoon of music entitled Delights Of The Soul.
Baroque trio 2017-239

Favourable ruling for rates crusaders

A group of local ratepayers’ enduring fight against council rate charges in relation to the troubled Mangawhai Wastewater System has finally been met with some success.

On deliberating Mangawhai Ratepayers and Residents Association (MRRA) judicial review against Northern Regional Council (NRC) and Kaipara District Council (KDC), High Court judge, Justice Ailsa Duffy found for the plaintiffs, MRRA and Chair Bruce Rogan and wife Heather Rogan.


Police Snippets

Dementia sufferer wanders - Police received a call from the family of an elderly woman
Phone scammers - Two unsuspecting overseas scammers rang Mangawhai Police Station in late August
Suspicious fire - Local police are looking into a suspicious fire which began in a wood box
Vehicles stolen - A couple of vehicles were stolen throughout August.
Cleaner investigated - A local woman is under investigation after property from a house she was cleaning, turned up for sale on Trade Me


Updated tsunami maps released

Northlanders are being encouraged to familiarise themselves with an updated set of tsunami evacuation maps, covering Northland’s 3,200km of coastline.


Rick Stolwerk-172

BNZ staff do a good tern

In what was New Zealand’s single largest day of corporate volunteering – Wednesday August 23 – all BNZ stores ‘Closed for Good’ as more than 3000 staff headed out into their local communities to work on more than 550 projects.


BNZ team at NZ Fairy Term Charitable Trust copy-505

Letters to the Editor

More of the same
Mayor Gent's response to the High Court judgment on August 19 was nauseating.

Traffic planning
Traffic is the key problem that Mangawhai must face in the future.


Rebus - Local pastor shines light on human trafficking

Introduced as guest speaker at the August meeting was Grant Harris, currently Senior Pastor of the Windsor Park Baptist Church situated on the North Shore, Auckland, as well as Chaplain to the Sky City NZ Breakers Basketball Team. It was in yet a further role, that of Chairman of the Board of Freeset International, that he addressed Rebus members.

Italian theme for fire brigade fundraiser

When does a popular local French chef choose to turn his French Mangawhai restaurant Italian?

Well, David Bonometti (note the Italian surname), his partner Nathalie, and staff are going to be doing just that solely to support the Mangawhai Volunteer Fire Brigade.


Team effort makes Daffodil day success

The Daffodil Day Quiz Nite and auction fundraiser on Tuesday August 22 at Mangawhai Tavern has been rated an outstanding success by all who attended.


Daffodil day best team outfits-90

Rescue chopper loan approved

The Northland Regional Council has confirmed it will loan $9.6 million to help the Northland Emergency Services Trust (NEST) fund two rescue helicopters for the region.

Councillors at their monthly meeting in Whangarei on August 22 voted in favour of providing the loan, under which NEST could access low interest cash the council can borrow via the Local Government Funding Agency.


Apprentice builder ‘chuffed’ with award

Mangawhai apprentice builder Andrew Christie says he is ‘pretty chuffed’ with his third place in the 2017 Northern area Apprentice of the Year awards.


First second third Northern-477

Telltale signs of rosacea

Rosacea is a Latin word for roses. Poetic as this sounds, the reality is often embarrassing and painful.

There are different stages of rosacea, stage one starts with redness of the face – as in blushing and flushing that doesn't disappear – leaving your skin with visible red lines or patterns. 


Worzels World - What the hell am I doing?

These days there is much talk but little sense. There is an almost unlimited amount of knowledge available but very little understanding. Now more than ever true wisdom is rare. Amongst all the hubbub (and we must surely agree that the vast majority of today’s communication is merely hubbub) there is sadly very little consideration, contemplation or reflection.


Combined Ota and Rodney team win division

The Rodney and Otamatea First XV rugby team are pictured after winning their Division 2 final against Kamo High School earlier this month.


Ota Rodney rugby team 2017-704

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