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 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



18th Nov 2019 Issue

Local advocates celebrate 100 years

A band of inspirational local women were part of a global celebration recently, joining agents of an international organisation committed to improving and empowering the lives of women around the world in celebrating a significant birthday milestone. 
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Ed Said - History in the making

We learned recently that New Zealand history is to become a part of our school curriculum by 2022. Widespread discussion followed and rightly so. Somehow we have yet to graduate from the blame game of history. We are such a young country but we need to know about the past and accept it as best we can. 

Problem solvers win international opportunity

A young group of outside-the-box thinkers is heading to America next year after becoming national champions in a competition designed to extend thinking and take on complex problem solving issues.
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Mayors Memo


Ring of Steel tightens its grip

A lethal trapping network known as the ‘Ring of Steel’ is steadily expanding and achieving high success with ferret, stoat and weasel catches in the Brynderwyn Hills range and surrounding areas.

Mangawhai wharf project receives heart-warming gift

When Jean Holgate offered to pledge $3,840 to the PledgeMe campaign for the rebuild of the Mangawhai Historic Wharf, Trust member Colin Leach wondered whether there was an interesting story behind such an exact amount. And there was.
Brian Holgate-36

Brigade says thank you to donors

Following the official opening of the new Mangawhai Fire Station it was the turn of the ‘Fire Brick’ donors to attend a thank-you event which was well patronised and well received.
Fire Brick Wall-51-378

Expressions of interest in Mangawhai community housing open

Kaipara District Council is calling for expressions of interest from community housing providers (CHPs) to take over providing community housing in Mangawhai.

News in Brief

Wightman wins 16th title Adding to an already impressive list of successes on the green
St Andrew’s Day Ceilidh Last years ceilidh was bursting at the seams
Where are your teens? Local police are concerned about teenage drinkers who gather on Mangawhai Heads surf beach
Relay For Life entries Free Entry November means that you can get your team on board and secure a place in the next Relay For Life

The RVMES head ‘north of the smoke’

The RVMES. How do you pronounce this strange name? The Rooms. Lesson one from band front man Edwin Judd.
RVMES are a fresh but experienced band from Auckland who dabble in multiple genres from Blues, Rock n' Roll, Gypsy Jazz and combinations of Soul, Funk and Reggae.


Shore Lines and Landscapes

The current exhibition in Mangawhai Artists Gallery is showcasing the work of two experienced artists, both celebrating their love of the natural environment and the beauty surrounding us – two artists, two distinct styles of art work.
Jenny Macpherson-919

Gardening with Gael - Let me spell it out for you....

Recognising a plant from its leaf is not a simple task. Recently a friend gave me some plants from cuttings she has grown which we were sure were Hibiscus mutabilis, the hibiscus with the fluffy colour changing flowers, opening white or pink and changing to red. 

Plans to tackle Wood Street congestion unveiled

Following on from two community brainstorming sessions focused on Wood Street’s traffic Christmas chaos, tactical trials to test people’s ideas have been recently presented for public scrutiny. 
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Shearers chase golden fleece at Mangawhai

Hawke’s Bay shearer Dion King made it two-out-of-two in the when he successfully defended his title on November 2 at the Mangawha Tavern Speedshear, coming fresh from a speedshear and show double in Hawke’s Bay.
Cayzer Wedd speedshear-975

Unwanted facial hair

Unwanted facial hair is really common and often a cause of embarrassment for those of us that suffer. But there are solutions to help. 

ANZ offers funding to Mangawhai cricketers

ANZ is continuing to support community cricket across New Zealand as the 2019/20 cricket season gets underway, calling for cricketers, schools and clubs in Mangawhai to apply for the chance to win gear or meet some of their sporting heroes this cricket season. 

Worzel's World - A celebrity scandal

Over the course of years writing this column I have often attempted satire. A difficult job in an already absurd world. At other times possibly taking myself and the world’s many problems a little too seriously. I have painstakingly researched what are generally known as facts and set out to enlighten my readers. Other times I have merely mused upon the foibles of the human condition. 

Charity golf tournament distributes $85k to local organisations

The third Spirit of Mangawhai Charity Golf Tournament – held on Friday 15 November 15 at Tara Iti Golf Club – drew 88 players and raised funds of $85,000 that were donated to 20 charities and non-profit organisations serving the greater Mangawhai community.
Golf crowd-392

Council explains shared pathway plan

The recent ‘destruction’ of a ‘perfectly good path’ on one of Mangawhai’s main roads, and replacement with a brand new wider version, has elicited questions from some residents, curious as to why the money was not spent on other pedestrian walkways.
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Confusion over council work

Residents in Kaiwaka have also been scratching their heads regarding two council-led projects which seemingly have appeared from nowhere. 
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Mangawhai proud to host breakfast fundraiser 

Support for people who are living with dementia and their families is growing strong in Kaipara with plans for a new housing unit stepping closer to reality due to ongoing community fundraising.
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It’s cheeky Charlie to the rescue in new story book

A magical stingray living in the Mangawhai Estuary is at the centre of the latest story book adventure from the Northland Rescue Helicopter.
Cheeky Charlie cover-802

Sizzling service

Mangawhai Pharmacy celebrated their shop renovations with a complimentary sausage sizzle recently. What better way to keep customers and passers-by happy around lunchtime than with ‘the works’ wrapped in a slice of bread? 
Sue Lanny Mangawhai Pharmacy-827

Local thespians present classic story of life in a village

Lovers of live theatre will be applauding the creation of a new local entertainment group who will soon be taking to the stage to bring a theatrical masterpiece to town. 
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A life well lived

Lynn Middleton passed away suddenly on November 13. She was a passionate artist whose art matured in the nurturing context of Mangawhai.

Lynn Middleton 2 2019-698

Cheerful charity

While the Northpower Emergency Services Trust (NEST) was hosting breakfast for donors at the Waipu Fire Station last week, their bucket brigade was on the job collecting more donations from passing motorists, happy to support an essential service.
Helicopter appeal 2019-940

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