
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



28th January 2019 Issue


New beginning for MAZ cafe

2 MF-Kenscafe copy-631

Ed Said - Big can be beautiful


Epic swim to raise cash for orphan charity

3 MF-Sailrock swim 2018 sm

Northland road crews push ahead with resealing programme

Northern Bass to stay put

2 MF-NB1-118

Mayor's Memo

Dr Jason Smith sm

Drowning at Mangawhai Heads

Scottish Country Dancing, good for mind and body

Scottish country dancing 2 sm

Insley Street’s bridge over troubled waters

An old Mangawhai bridge on an arterial route leading directly into the Village has recently been deemed unsafe to carry heavy traffic due to structural damage. 

2 MF-Bridgeclosure1 sm

Gardening with Gael - Flowering annuals provide colourful display

Colourful annuals sm

Roadside rubbish dumping a growing problem in Northland

Northland rubbish SH10 Dec 2018 sm

Fun in the sun at Black Swamp Rod Run

Black Swamp Hot Rods 2019 -  PCS2596 sm

Waipu hosts biggest car show in the north

waipu car and bike show crowd sm

Retro furniture to match classic cars

If you’re into classic cars, hot rods, motorbike and ‘that old time rock’n’roll’ you’re going to love the display of American Retro Furniture as well.


retro sm

Dry Northland means high fire risk

ire and Emergency New Zealand is urging Northland residents to think twice about lighting rubbish fires as temperatures soar and grass and vegetation dries out. Northland fire crews have attended several scrub and rubbish fires this month. If the weather remains this hot and dry there will be a total fire ban in Northland within the next couple of weeks. 

Skin checks for Mangawhai sun lovers

Worzels World - A failed experiment

Chopper appeal breaks records

rescue helicopter copy sm

Kaipara primary schools fight for hoop honours

KBA primary schools basketball v2 sm

Master fundraiser does it again

Back to school, back to surf

aotearoaafterschool sm

North River brings horses and humans together

8943075 orig sm

Give me a break!!

Are you feeling tired and fatigued at work? If so, it could be because only 28 per cent of Kiwi workers take their full designated lunch break. According to a survey by recruiting experts Hays of 1,253 professionals, who were asked how much of their designated lunch break they take on average...


St John creating partnerships with emergency services community

Two local indispensable community services are forging a closer partnership to the benefit of surf beach visitors, beginning with a gift of medical equipment worth more than $5000. 
2 MF-StJohnAED1 sm

Road detours for Matakohe Bridges replacement project

image004 sm

Obituary - Contribution to Mangawhai remembered

Chris Currie2 sm

From Mangawhai to the Masai Mara

African Touch Safari sm

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