Road detours for Matakohe Bridges replacement projectMotorists in Northland are advised that two detours will be put in place on State Highway 12 as construction on the Matakohe Bridges replacement project resumes in the New Year.
The NZ Transport Agency’s Senior Manager Project Delivery, Chris Hunt, says the detours will allow construction crews to start connecting the existing SH12 to the new 2.5 km road alignment that includes the two new bridges. “Motorists passing through Matakohe can see the new alignment and bridges taking shape. It won’t be long before they can actually start driving along part of the new alignment. But first we need to make some essential changes while also keeping our workers safe.” The first detour became active in the week beginning Monday, January 7 just north of the Anderson Bridge on SH12, with traffic diverted on to a 100 metre long unsealed section of temporary road suitable for all vehicles. Traffic management crews will direct traffic and there will be a reduced speed limit. The detour will allow the construction crew to cut into the existing state highway to form the new alignment. The detour will remain in place until the end of February. The second detour, starting soon after begins just south of Anderson Bridge with all traffic diverted off SH12 on to Matakohe East road. Vehicles will follow the detour through Matakohe, past Matakohe School and back on to SH12. “The detour is approximately 5 km long, so we ask motorists to allow extra time for their journeys, take care and keep to the temporary speed limits to keep everybody safe through the detours,” says Mr Hunt. The second detour will allow the construction crew to form the new intersection into Matakohe and tie in the western end of the new alignment into the existing state highway. “It’s expected both detours will remain in place until the end of February, but when they are lifted vehicles will run along a section of the new SH12 alignment.” The work may be affected or delayed by bad weather. The Matakohe Bridges replacement project involves the construction of two new two-lane bridges across tidal estuaries along a new 2.5km alignment of SH12 through Matakohe. The new road alignment and intersections will remove tight curves and short straights and improve safety on this section of highway. The $26m project is expected to be completed in late 2019. The map shows the second detour from SH12 along Matakohe East Road and Matakohe West Road. |