Positive response to planning surveyA Kaipara District Council survey of Mangawhai residents has provided valuable feedback for the Council, which is considering what will be needed for the town’s long-term development. The survey is part of preliminary work for a Mangawhai Town Plan, which would guide development and change as the town grows. Respondents selected infrastructure, demand and lack of funding to pay for it, traffic and parking congestion, and preservation of open space as the main challenges facing Mangawhai. Commission Chair John Robertson says the survey is one of the starting points to finding out what residents want and don’t want as Mangawhai grows. “It is important we get it right, not just regarding infrastructure such as roads and other services, but other things that make our towns places that are easy to live in,” Mr Robertson says. “It includes considering what residents value such as views, the harbour and beaches, and how they use the town’s amenities.” Council staff will also talk with key members of the community for more in-depth viewpoints and technical reports will be developed on questions such as water and stormwater, design and landscape. “We hope to be able to consult the community about the town plan during the 2016/2017 Annual Plan process,” Mr Robertson says. Figures gleened from the 181 survey responses showed that respondents were positive in their approach to the likes about Mangawhai question – 86% strongly liked the harbour and beaches, 72% strongly liked landscape and views. While 77% agree Mangawhai is an attractive town, only 23% are happy with Mangawhai as it is and do not want change. Almost all those surveyed agreed Mangawhai is in a period of growth. The vast majority of respondents agreed that traffic congestion, crowding in the summer months, weeds and unkempt roadsides, lack of footpaths and lack of parking were problems. Mangawhai Village market and Wood Street were chosen as the obvious meeting and social spaces.
RUSH HOUR: The harbour and beaches are what most people like about Mangawhai according to figures. PHOTO/Matt Guzik |