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Community says yes to name change


Mangawhai Park is to be known as the Mangawhai Community Park following feedback received from the Mangawhai community.

“The new name for the park and the vision for it come from the community,” said Mangawhai Community Park steering committee chair Jim Wintle. “It’s their feedback that is helping to shape the area.”

He went on to say that the steering committee would like to see a sign celebrating the name change in place, however sponsorship from a local business or businesses was needed to fund the cost of building the sign.

The Mangawhai Community Park is already home to the Mangawhai Historic Museum and the Mangawhai Activity Zone. Work continues with St John Ambulance who is also interested in a site at the park for its new ambulance station.

Mr Wintle said that local group, Artists Inc, had also expressed interest in the park seeing it as a perfect place to re-site an old church it had been gifted. The old church would in turn provide a home for the group.

He said Artists Inc is the type of group ideally suited to the park and the vision the community has for it. However, before any further locations can be identified a topographical survey is required to determine things like building platforms and walking track routes.

The Kaipara District Council has been providing administrative support for the steering group.

John Burt, General Manager Operations said: “Council is pleased to be able to offer its support, more so because of the considerable enthusiasm and support for the park in the local community.”

He went on to say that early next year council would be considering taking over responsibility for shared carpark areas and would also be investigating the provision of public toilets.

The membership of the Mangawhai Community Park steering committee includes representatives from The Club, Mangawhai Golf Club, Walking Tracks, Artists Inc, the Mangawhai His torical Museum and the Mangawhai Activity Zone.

Anyone interested in providing sponsorship for signage for the park should contact Jim Wintle on 431 4766.

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