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Sustainable Kaipara spreads composting message



04 Oct, 2021

thumbnail Compost workshop copy-879Sustainable Kaipara spreads composting message
It's time to spring into action. Help us turn your food scraps into magical nourishing compost to feed our precious Kaipara soils.

Did you know it takes as little as three months to turn your food scraps into something that the world desperately needs? Our food scraps are an incredibly valuable resource. They should never end up in landfill. The simple act of keeping your food scraps out of landfill reduces our carbon footprints, reduces the need for more landfills (think Dome Valley) and can produce food for animals or provide essential nutrient rich compost for growing food.

Sustainable Kaipara can offer two solutions: Help with home composting, and a food scrap pick-up service (currently available in urban Mangawhai only).


Compost workshops
Sustainable Kaipara has recently partnered with Compost Connection to bring free compost workshops to Kaipara. Participants get taught the basics of home composting and reducing waste to landfill and get eight weeks of mentoring with our amazing local compost legends. Plus you get a heavily discounted compost or worm system of your choice.

Feedback on our first workshop in Mangawhai: ‘I learned an amazing amount about how to start out with composting’ and ‘lots of great advice about composting solutions, helpful advice on why our compost is failing, we are excited to try the new worm farm’.

Get in touch to register your interest.


Food scrap pick up service
Sustainable Kaipara is now running a community compost, picking up food scraps from households and businesses. So far we have diverted over 6000kg of waste from landfill, and produced mountains of beautiful compost which is now growing spring vegetables in the community garden.

But we need more households to keep this service viable! So if you want to be part of an environmental solution and want to create local jobs and local food then please join our service.

For the cost of a cup of coffee you get provided a food scrap bin which is collected on Monday mornings. You also get access to discounted compost. Register your interest at sustainablekaipara.org/the-compost-project/community-compost-collection-service/

Sustainable Kaipara’s Steph Gibson shares her knowledge at a compost workshop. PHOTO/SUPPLIED

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