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Mangawhai cadets regain top skills comp title


Mangawhai Cadet Unit has reclaimed the top prize at the 2015 NZCC Nation-al Skills competition at Ohakea.

The troop shifted camp to the Ohakea Air Base, south west of Palmerston North, to compete in the national skills competition having won the northern division just a fortnight earlier.

Competition at the na-tional event came from other area winners Nelson Cadet Unit and Upper Hutt Cadet Unit, testing strength, skill and teamwork.

Within an hour of landing in Palmerston North in late October, cadets were straight into Required Fitness Level (RFL), running 2.4km in very high winds.

Cadets then went straight onto the theory stands, before and after dinner.

Day two saw field exercises – navigation practical, casualty evacuation, and equipment carry. The Mangawhai team won all three exercises.

That afternoon was back to the air base for radio communication, and floatation.

Mangawhai also triumphed in shooting leaving a 190 point margin back to the second placed team.

Observation and initiative – putting up an army tent and erecting a 12-metre high radio aerial mast – put them to the test. But Mangawhai ended up on top again.

Sunday, the final day, saw the final stand of drill, in which surprisingly, they were placed second despite their usual solid performance.

At the end of the weekend the Mangawhai Cadet Unit were awarded overall winners reclaiming the trophy they had lost to Nelson last year.

SSGT Caprice Howard was awarded Top Shot of the competition and Highest Scoring Female in RFL.

SGT Lewin Bull was awarded Highest Scoring RFL.

An added highlight of the competition was the attendance of Seargant Major of the Army, WO1 Mortiboy.

“Having someone so high up in the army take a real interest in cadets was fantastic,” said unit commander Sandra Grayson. “He then presented our team each with his personal coin, a great honour for us.”

TOP BRASS: Mangawhai cadets pose for a picture with Warrant Officer Class One (WO1) Mark Mortiboy following their win. Back left Jake Grayson, James Neki-Saunders, WO1 Mortiboy, Devon Pride, Locky Bonasich, David Hames. Front left, Lewin Bull, Zach Robertson, Caprice Howard, Isaac Stocking.
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