Have your say on private plan changeBackground why?
The vacant site is located on the corner of Molesworth Drive and Estuary Drive, opposite the Mangawhai Museum. In 2007 Kaipara District Council approved a Land Use consent application to construct and operate a petrol station, car and boat wash-down facility and future mixed business area. The pet-rol station included a 550sqm service station building and a carport canopy of 795sqm with four pump stations. The future service business area had a gross floor area of 620sqm. The approved land use consent also includ-ed provision for 44 car-parking spaces, 2 loading bays, signage and storage of LPG. The consent has a life of 10 years and ex-pires in 2017. In grant-ing consent to the land use consent application, Council has deemed that the site is a suitable site for a Commercial use. North City Developments now wishes to pur-sue the option of a Private Plan Change to rezone the site from Residential to Commercial. This re-zoning would better reflect the land use which has been deemed accept-able on site by Council and would provide great-er flexibility in terms of the Commercial uses (other than the consented petrol station) that can be undertaken on site Through rezoning the site, different rules in the District Plan would apply to the site. Some of the Residential and Commercial rules are the same (eg. noise lim-its adjacent to residen-tial) however some differ (eg. height limit, building coverage). Opportunities in rezoning the site include: • Site is adjacent to Man-gawhai Park which is be-coming Mangawhai com-munities recreational hub; • Molesworth Peninsula residential area is grow-ing and requires servic-ing; • Mangawhai Heads and Village Centres are al-most at capacity; • Pedestrian and cycle linkages could be pro-vided and enhanced with Mangawhai Park; • The site has views over the upper reaches of the Mangawhai Estuary; • Streetscape could be en-hanced; • Provide for vibrant and innovative urban design and public spaces for Mangawhai. Potential constraints to think about include: • Potential for reverse sensitivity issues with ad-jacent residential zoned and, therefore design guidelines and additional provisions will be crucial in ensuring that reverse sensitivity issues on the adjacent residential en-vironment are taken into consideration; • Molesworth Drive is a main road, however the speed limit is now 50kph; As the site is adjacent to existing residential de-velopment, rezoning land Commercial use can cre-ate reverse sensitivity is-sues, therefore it is likely that specific design guide-lines or additional rules over and above the cur-rent Commercial Zone provisions will be pre-pared through the plan change process. Exam-ples could include ensur-ing that the height limit of buildings adjacent to residential dwellings re-mains at the residential height limit in the plan, ensuring that any land use requires landscaping, buffer planting, design of service areas and so forth. This is where you can help provide us with your feedback to assist us in the process. Have your say We are in the infor-mal stage of the process where we are seeking feedback and comment from adjacent landown-ers, members of the community and interest groups prior to submit-ting the plan change to Council. Once the Private Plan Change is submit-ted to Council, Council will formally notify the Private Plan Change and you will have the ability to make a formal submis-sion. A website has been developed which pro-vides further information on the project and has a section to provide your comment and feedback on the proposed plan change. Please visit the comments section of the website and provide your feedback. Also add your contact details if you wish to be added to our email list for updates on the project. Alternatively you can send written corre-spondence to North City Developments c/- Po Box 123, Mangawhai 0540.