
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Labour Weekend Edition 2022

New faces around the council table

As the exciting flurry of the recent local government election ebbs away
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Trackies renew Breve Street walkway

Armed with spades, tools and wheelbarrows of grit
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Young artists get to know themselves through self-portraits
Young artists have been learning how to unleash their creativity

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Mangawhai Garden Ramble returns for 2022

Pproudly presented by the Mangawhai Kindergarten


Community digs in for annual Mangawhai Environmental Volunteering Day

Northland residents and Bunnings team members

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Lash lift and brow design, what a difference it make

It’s all about the brows and lashes.

Alex Donald 2018 sm

Bream Bay art group to hold Labour Weekend exhibition

With the change of seasons

The Climate Chap: Is it time for an ark?

Over recent weeks it has been just about impossible to ignore


New food concept bringing people together with barbecue

The Barbecue Hut is nestled in downtown Mangawhai
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Letters to the Editor

Three Waters a way forward?, Devich Road frustration, Council role in community projects, Claims harm reputation, Council must work as a group

Setback rules must be followed says NRC

Those cultivating land to grow pasture or crops



Orchid flowering season underway

October brings warmer weather

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Mangawhai Snappers

A great day for an early morning fish
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Future looks bright for Hakaru Hall

Tucked away on a rural road
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Understanding the awesome animal at the end of a lead

The Piroa-Brynderwyns Know Your Dog Workshops

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Eagles fly at local tournament

A large flock of fledging golfers

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Northland Rescue Helicopter annual appeal underway

Fundraising efforts for Northland Rescue Helicopter are underway

Mangawhai Village Wines: A bottle of something a little different

With a motto of ‘we stock what the others don’t’
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Gardening with Gael: Clivias back in fashion

A swathe of soft orange beneath the bush canopy

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Regional council launches natural hazards portal

Recent weather events have highlighted the need


How to stop stressing when running your own business

I was only 27

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Last hurrah for KDC team members

As new faces appear around the Kaipara District Council [KDC] table
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Letter to the Editor

The old man The old man at the cash machine in Wood Street


The more you give, the more you receive: Tara Iti golf fundraiser raises big total

Annual Spirit of Mangawhai Charity Golf Tournament

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Gain insight into Rotary at info evening

Ladies and gentlemen, we want to dispel the myth
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Artists explore beauty of the botanical world

Botanica, or botany, is the inspiration

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Rescue chopper fundraisers thanked, more to come

Multiple fundraising efforts around Northland
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Businesses join for 12 year celebrations over Labour Weekend

Labour Weekend heralds a bit of a celebration

Classics at the Cove back for opera lovers

An annual outdoor concert
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