
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
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 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



KSA Sports Briefs


Fitness Centre
Keys to our Fitness Centre have recently changed over, so if you've ever thought about taking out a sub, now is the perfect time to do it! Subs are an annual fee of just $140 for a single or $230 for a family (2 adults + 2 students). For more information on the Fitness Centre, please contact Julie Harris on 432 1755 or 027 650 4540.

It was with sadness that we heard of the resignation of Sport Northland's Otamatea Sports Co-ordinator Janine Gilmore. Janine has been a great source of help and support to our affiliated sports clubs over the years and we will all be sorry to see her go. All the best for your future endeavours Janine.

Have fun, get fit, play squash! If you're keen to give squash a try, just turn up to our courts on Monday evenings, from 6pm (the door to the squash area is opposite the tennis courts). If you are interested in getting some coaching, please email Phillip Tana on ptana@lic.co.nz.

Our annual sub is $60 (seniors), $40 (school age) or $100 (family). Your sub buys you a key which gives you access to the courts 24/7 so this is great value for money.

For any enquiries about squash, please contact Heather Lupton on 021 841 115.

Sportmaker Award
Congratulations to Holly Anderson, Kaipara's latest winner of Sport Northland's Sportmaker Award. Holly won this award for her contribution as a volunteer coach with our gymnastics club.

The Lotto Volunteer Foundation and Sport NZ have teamed up to support and celebrate the sport volunteers in our community who make sport happen - the Sportmakers. From the coaches and officials, to the uniform washers and administrators, a Sportmaker is someone who volunteers their time and effort for sport in the Northland region.

Thanking a sport volunteer is easy. Sport Northland is encouraging people to say thank you to a Sportmaker by sending them an e-card to show your appreciation. Details at sportnorthland.co.nz.

There will be a Kaiwaka Sports Association meeting on Wednesday June 25, 7pm at the Sports Complex. All welcome.

Taniwha Shield
We are looking forward to the Taniwha Shield rugby tournament that will be held at the Sports Complex from Tuesday to Saturday, July 8-12. The Taniwha Shield is a tournament for Years 7 and 8 (Form 1 and 2) representative rugby players from all over Northland. There are eight teams who are all staying around Kaiwaka and Mangawhai for the duration of the tournament. To find out more about the Taniwha Shield please visit our website kaiwakasports.co.nz and click on the Taniwha logo. And you can also keep up-to-date with Taniwha news on Facebook.

Cheryl Anderson, Kaiwaka Sports Assoc. manager, 431 2051, kaiwakasports@gmail.com

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