Singing will lift spirits says SallyLast year’s very successful 10 week series of community singing sessions at the Wellsford District Community Centre is being offered again this year.
“We want people from all aspects of the wider community to feel that they are invited to come along and sing with us,” says Sally Randall the president of the Local Vocals Choir (LVC Inc.) Formerly known as the Wellsford Community Choir, the vision of the group grew from Sally’s passionate belief that singing is beneficial for health and wellbeing. “Singing in a group can really lift the spirits, so it’s a great way to beat the winter blues. The singers will once more share their singing in a community concert at the end of the 10 week series. Last year’s concert was an enormous success, the audience packed out the venue.” To help deliver this opportunity to the wider community, the LVC committee have again been allocated funding this year from Auckland Council Creative Communities NZ. Participation only requires a gold coin each time, made possible by the funding. LVC members recently sang at the Wellsford Library official opening late last month when over 2,500 visitors dropped in to survey the new building and enjoy their home-grown talent. The first of the ten consecutive sessions is on Sunday July 21 at the Wellsford District Community Centre. If you are interested in enrolling please email or call Sally on 423 9393. Online |