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Kaipara Commissioner - John Robertson - Your Questions Answered: Senior Management team takes shape


At the end of June, the Commissioners adopted an Annual Plan for the financial year beginning 1 July 2013. At the same time, we made changes to the Long Term Plan of the Council that was passed by elected members in August 2012. This Long Term Plan has financial projections through to 2022.

Council staff have done a good job managing the community consultation process and bringing these Plans together within the timelines set down by legislation.

We are continuing to attend to historic issues. This work includes the Bill that is before Parliament to fix up rating errors back to 2006, the High Court challenge against your Council that seeks the return of all rates back to 2006, and the inquiry being undertaken by the Auditor General.

The Plans adopted by the Commissioners include some significant changes to those that were inherited. The Council has achieved a number of efficiencies over the past six months which has resulted in savings. Costs have been lowered, without reducing levels of service to residents and ratepayers. There is some activity prioritising taking place, to have the Council focus more on undertaking core business well, and less on investing in the “nice to have” activities.

In the core business side, a new roading maintenance contract was let early this month. The new contract enables the Council to direct and monitor the contract much more than previously. In the “nice to have” activities, from 1 August we will be dropping the specific Economic Development position. We are also tightening up community grant processes, setting out clear criteria and expectations for applicants.Ratepayers need to know that when Council makes grants to a community project, the project has widespread community support, has a business plan behind it, and has sufficient funding to complete it. 
Who makes up the senior management team at Council?
The Chief Executive has been working with the Commissioners as he has been establishing his senior management team and the overall shape of the Council organisation. His senior management team is now in place. Five people make up this team.

■ Steve Ruru is the Chief Executive.  He joined Council in November 2011 from Thames-Coromandel District Council where he had been Chief Executive for 13 years. He has extensive experience across the Local Government, Health and broader public sector.
■ Glennis Christie is the General Manager Finance. She joined Council in July 2011 and is an experienced senior manager of 25 years having worked at Auckland City Council as a Group Manager in Treasury followed by Risk and Assurance.
■ Dr Jill McPherson is the General Manager Planning and Community. She joined Council on a permanent basis last month but had been providing cover for the prior year. She worked for the Auckland City Council for over 20 years, including as Director of Planning and then as General Manager Arts, Community and Recreation. 
■ Peter Marshall is the Human Resources Manager. He joined the Council in January this year as Council’s Human Resources Manager. He has in excess of 30 years of senior HR experience in the Health, Finance and Construction industries including working for extended periods in Australia and the Middle East. 
■ John Burt is the General Manager Operations. He joined Council in July 2011. He was general manager for Adshel NZ Limited and has had a diverse career working in a range of industries including defence, chemical distribution, building materials and FMCG.
What services are available at the new Council office in Mangawhai?
The Mangawhai office houses our Building and Monitoring teams with Customer Service staff in support. Our helpful customer service staff can answer just about any question, even details on your rates, so please feel free to call into the Mangawhai office, and someone will be only too happy to help you.
Who won the roading maintenance contract.
The incumbent, Transfield, won the contract. Transfield had the lowest price and was also assessed as the best overall contractor. Close behind them on price were the other two tenderers, Fulton Hogan and Downer.
Did local firms tender?
Some local firms tendered as sub-contractors to these companies. Roading absorbs over half of total rates collected, and so we expect that local firms will get some benefit from this contract.
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