
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
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 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Did you Know.............


Commissioners give St John go-ahead
Approval has been granted for the construction of the St John Ambulance Station in Mangawhai Park.

Steering committee chairman Jim Wintle, accompanied by Dave Wingate, presented a proposal to Kaipara District Council which would allow St John to start building on the approved site before the overall plan for the park was finalised. Commissioners accepted the submission, which is excellent news for the community as delays in securing approval were threatening regional funding support.

The management plan for Mangawhai Park is currently being put together as a final draft to be presented for community input shortly.

Youth grants offered
Mangawhai Community Trust annual Youth Grant is now open for application. Open to those 18 years and under who reside in the Mangawhai area, the grant is to assist with sporting, cultural or recreational pursuits. You need to apply in writing, stating the intended use of the funds applied for, total cost of the undertaking and how much you are contributing financially.

Applications close on August 5, and should be sent to Mangawhai Community Trust, PO Box 24, Mangawhai 0540. If you have any queries, contact secretary Sharan McNaughton 431 4533.

Make a Rates Bill submission
If you have been keeping up with progress on the Kaipara District Council Validation of Rates and Other Matters Bill you will know that it was introduced to Parliament in early June and passed to the Select Committee. They have now called for submissions, which close on Thursday July 25.

Writing a submission can often be quite daunting, but if you go to to Parliament's website www.parliament.co.nz you will find a helpful guide to 'Making a submission to a Parliamentary Select Committee'. If you want to make a submission online, go to www.parliament.govt.nz, or simply address your written submission to Secretariat, Local Government and Environment Committee, Select Committee Services, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160.

Remember to clearly state your general position, whether you support or oppose the general intent of the Bill!

NRC and NDHB elections need candidates
And while there will be no election for local government in Kaipara this year, Regional Council and Northland District Health Board members will require our vote in October. With a change in boundaries for the Regional Council, Mangawhai now comes under the Coastal South constituency, with one representative to be elected. Nominations open on 19 July, and close on 16 August.

Regional Council staff held a meeting in Mangawhai last week to provide information for prospective candidates and anyone interested – an extremely informative meeting, but only four people attended!

A comprehensive booklet is available, and everything you need to know can be answered by contacting policy advisor Vibeke Wright by phone (09) 470 1181, email vibekew@nrc.govt.nz or via the website www.nrc.govt.nz

Fashion the focus of big evening
Matariki is being celebrated at Te Ao Marama with the Te Hana Wearable Maori Arts competition judging, fashion parade and entertainment evening at the Cultural Centre on Saturday July 20. This promises to be a really exciting night (prizes include two return flights and tickets to W.O.W) and ticket numbers are limited so don't delay booking. Tickets $25 each, phone 423 8701, email tehana@xtra.co.nz or go to their website www.tehana.co.nz.

French independence at Frog & Kiwi
By way of contrast, Bastille Day is being recognised at the Frog & Kiwi on Saturday July 13. David and Nathalie ask "Are you ready to go for the revolution at the Frog? If yes, we will cook for you a beautiful French and authentic dinner!"

This year you are welcome to dress up in French warrior style. The best outfit will win a free French breakfast of coffee and croissant. Bookings on 431 4439 are essential for this special four course meal, so be quick.

Community home help available
Need some help with shifting heavy furniture, splitting firewood, digging over the vege garden and other tasks that now seem too hard? Rodney Health care provider Murray Fell has a couple of strong young clients who enjoy helping others in the community in need of help and in turn, benefit from the physical work and social interaction. Murray (police checked!) is there to supervise them and all that is asked in return is a donation. Give Murray a ring on 027 646 5656. These young men are already helping out with community projects, and really making a difference.

Worm farm container wanted
Do you have one of those black plastic worm farm containers that you no longer use? Rosemary Browne is working voluntarily with a class of children at Mangawhai Beach School, who along with the help of teacher Mrs Gore, are tending a vegetable garden. They would love an 'unwanted' plastic worm farm so they can compost their food scraps – all part of the learning process. Rosemary ssays she is quite happy to come and collect it, so if you can help out, please give her a ring on 431 4744.

 Village market stall holder Norah, who provides Flourish stone ground organic flours, has returned to Germany to visit family, but has ensured that her customers don't have to go without by making Flourish available at Kakariki.
 Knickerbockers! Yes, these are back in vogue, very glamorous, and practical. Call in to Meant To Be and check out the range: patterned leggings, summer dresses for your tropical holiday this bleak winter as well. Vanessa is celebrating her first full year of trading with loads of new items to tempt and cheer you.
 SeniorNet Mangawhai annual membership runs from January 1 through to December 31, but if are wanting to join up now they have a reduced subscription from July 1. Winter is a good time to make a start on becoming computer literate or keeping up with all the new services. Give Sheila Ballard a ring on 431 4305 to find out more.
 School holiday movies at the Kaiwaka Sports Complex start Saturday July 13, 6.30pm, with Planet Earth, a fun animated movie suitable for the whole family. Cost $4 adult, $2 children Year 9 and younger.
 Bennett's Cafe reopens this Thursday, July 11.
 An Animal Health Centre has opened in Kaiwaka offering natural rememdies, food products and services, such as nail clipping, for your pet. You might like to try your cat or dog on the possum patties, or the rabbit and hare…
 Acupuncture is now available at Kakariki on Mondays with neuromuscular therapist and acupuncturist Dominic. You can make an appointment at Kakariki, or if applicable, through an ACC referral from your GP.
 Keep an eye out for Brett Keane on his hybrid electric bicycle. He built it himself, and although he says he has more refinements to make, it's working well.

Pets play part in school fundraiser
And Mangawhai Beach School has also started a fundraiser in conjunction with Superior Farms Pet Provisions. Local man D'arcy Quinn from Tern Point is on the Board of this company and has approached the school with an offer. The company makes pet treats and chews from NZ venison and lamb. They can be bought online and Mangawhai Beach School can be nominated to receive a percentage. Log on to www.superiorfarmspetnz.com.fundraising. Every ittle bit helps...
 News and views to share through this column? Contact Jo Roberts 431 4711, email jo.roberts@xtra.co.nz.
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