Kaipara District Council Seeks Public Feedback Through SurveyAs part of its ongoing commitment to actively seek public opinion and involve-ment, the Kaipara District Council is to conduct a survey of its residents.
“We want to track what our residents think about what we do,” says Communi-ty Engagement Manager, Barbara Ware. “The best way to do this is to interview a representative cross-section of people, and to have this done by an independent group to ensure there is no bias.” National Research Bureau, an inde-pendent market research company offering specialised services to Local Authorities throughout New Zealand, has been commissioned to undertake the survey and report to the Council. People living across the District will be telephoned, using a randomised selec-tion method, and asked their opinions on a wide-range of topics relating to the Council, and the services it delivers. Interviewing for the survey commences on Friday January 30, and is expected to be completed on Wednesday February 11, 2015. |