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 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Did you know.....


Help solve mystery
This charming scene was captured on film over the holidays by local artist Jeanette Vickers. She has called it Foxie Fish Pointer, printed it on to canvas, and would very much like to gift it to the two young men. Problem is, she doesn't know who they are. If you can identify them, please contact Jeanette on 431 5668. Capturing such a moment as this takes a lot of skill and this photograph looks to be a real winner.

Morrison’s say ‘thanks’
The Morrison family from Kagan Ave in the village say thank you to all those many people who visited their Christmas lights display and left a donation, raising $280 for Mangawhai Beach School. And Christmas 2014 promises to bring a bigger display as several neighbours are keen to join in.

More Music Makers
Mangawhai Music Makers starts up again on Tuesday February 4, 7.30pm out at Sail Rock café – your chance to improve your performance skills, or just come along to be entertained. Special deals on pizzas too! You never know who is going to be there, or just what the range of talent will be, but it is always a lot of fun. The sound system is all set up for you, and the audience is always appreciative of those who give it go.

Completion edges closer
On Friday February 7 the Mangawhai Historical Society has a major fundraising golf tournament. There’s great prizes to entice you, so place your entry with Christine Bygrave 431 2057, email christinebygrave@gmail.com. Volunteers are putting in a sterling effort to complete the museum within six months and are making encouraging progress.

Understand your computer
Still trying to fathom the mysterious workings of your computer? SeniorNet offer an extensive range of courses, from absolute beginner stuff to specialised programmes. They are having an Open Day on Saturday, February 8, at their rooms in Kaiwaka, 1960 SH1, which is opposite the Cheese Shop. It runs from 10am-1pm and you can ask as many questions as you like about SeniorNet and what they have to offer. And if you would like more information, phone Tony on 431 2269.

Devonshire tea on Sundays
Summer is the perfect time to enjoy a Devonshire tea in the lovely grounds of Tara Lodge. Throughout February and March, they will be open on Sundays from 1pm-4pm for you to enjoy something a little bit special. Plus there are garden games, chess and croquet. Just $10 per person, and bookings are preferable. Phone 431 4730, or check out their website www.taralodge.co.nz.

Wine spritzer refreshes
Something else worth sampling is the locally produced 'Scarlett's Spritzer', from Invivo and Lochiel Winery. It is wine infused with either elderflower and lime, or red berries – just lovely for summer, poured over ice, and many people at the summer gala gave it the thumbs up. Always available fom Lochiel at the Village market on a Saturday, where I've spotted several people purchasing by the carton!

Joan wants your manure!
The hard working volunteers at the Community Gardens often enjoy a cool drink at morning tea, but right now, the request is for animal manure to enhance the soil. If you have some horse/cow/poultry manure you could donate, please give Joan a ring on 431 5924. Every Friday morning, folk turn up to tend the gardens, pick and distribute the produce – a labour of love with beneficial results.

Mangroves meeting
Now that the Environment Court has made a ruling on the application by the Harbour Restoration Society to remove mangroves from the estuary, the Mangawhai Harbour Restoration Society plan to hold a public meeting in the afternoon on Saturday February 15 to provide information on just what is and what is not happening. Mark the date now and watch for more advertising details.

Art courses popular
'Have a Go @Art with Suza' is coming to the Village Library Hall, with a free introductory session on Wednesday February 12 from 1-3pm. If you have always wanted to paint or draw, here is the perfect opportunity to explore different mediums, and have a go! It will be followed by a 5 week course, and another on childrens book illustration. Life drawing classes will be offered on a Tuesday if numbers permit. Suza, who has an MA (Hons) from Elim School of Fine Arts, is an established artist with a studio in Bream Bay, her classes throughout the area are proving to be very popular. Check out her website www.suza.co.nz, phone (09) 432 1881, or 021 924 819.

Festival tickets on sale
A reminder that bookings are now open for the Mangawhai Food and Wine Festival in the Olive Grove on Saturday March 29, from 3pm-7pm. Tickets are limited, so don't delay! You can relax and dance with The Mermaids, a lively trio of women with dynamic voices and glamorous style. They perform a 'super fun' classic and current repertoire from 1950s rock'n'roll to 2012 techno, 1970s disco to R&B. Tickets are $25 from Bammas, Books & Gifts or online mangawhaiwalkingweekend.co.nz. And remember, all profits from this event go to the Mangawhai Tracks Charitable Trust.

Bird report from Sioux
Well, all the birds seem to have had a great season for raising young – pied stilt, NZ dotterel, oystercatchers, fantail, and of course NZ fairy tern. The NZ fairy terns are now enjoying the fishing at slipper lake, the most there at one time to date is seven, including at least one of this years fledglings. Plenty of wood pigeon being seen around also; hopefully their numbers are increasing around the area. I still have a shining cuckoo calling but not as regularly as it was.


■ Movies at Kaiwaka continue throughout the summer, with a matinee on Saturday February 8 – The Croods at 2pm. And on Friday 21 it's Ben Affleck in Argo, at 7.30pm.
■ Kaiwaka Sports Association hosts the increasingly popular 'Top of the Rock' multisport event on Sunday February 9 – walk, run, bike – and it's not too late to enter. Visit www.kaiwakasports.co.nz for details.
■ Waitangi Day brings Sounds Like Waitangi to the Tavern. From 3pm onward there will be numerous bands playing, and as a bonus, a classic and hot rod car display.
■ Bennetts of Mangawhai have a creative display for Valentine’s Day. Check out the chocolate art behind the big glass window, and be tempted! "If you love me (say it's true), I'll need a box of Bennetts fom you. Some chocolate chunks, some luscious bites, Will make my day, and so will you."

■ News and views to share through this column? Contact Jo Roberts 431 4711, email o.roberts@xtra.co.nz
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