
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
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 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Take care getting physical Get ‘in the raw’ this summer

As the longest day approaches and summer re-ally starts it is important that you look after your-self to avoid unnecessary injuries and silly accidents that can easily ruin your holiday. Beach cricket, tag and touch are great fun, but actually involve a lot of muscle work and if these muscles haven't been used since last summer they are highly likely to tear or strain if not warmed up properly. This applies to rolled ankles, twisted knees and pulled backs! Whilst we would love to see you all this summer, we would rather it be in a social setting than at the clinic, so here are a few tips:

„ Make sure you stretch and warm up before playing any sports. This can be tricky with impromptu games but make sure you stretch after the game too. „ If you do have an acute injury, ice it for 15 minutes every 2-3 hours for the first 3 days. Do not leave the ice on too long as this can cause tissue damage, and don’t deep tissue massage acute injuries or you will cause more damage.

„ Do not drink after an injury as alcohol will thin your blood and cause more bruising. „ Avoid spending a lot of time in one position, whether bent over digging or weeding, or standing and painting above your head. Stretch your back in the opposite direction. i.e lying flat on the floor rather than on a soft couch, stretching your neck with chin tucks, and lower back with knee hugs to take the pressure off your disc and spinal joints. „ Falls from ladders are one of the leading causes of injuries, so be secure conscious before you climb, and make sure you are secured to the roof once on it. The clinic will be closed on the public holidays plus Wednesday 24 December. You do not need to see a doctor first, we are able to register all ACC claims and treat on existing claims. Please follow our facebook page - Mangawhai Physiotherapy - for opening hours, and updates on available appoint-ments or the website for contact details.
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