Mangawhai Probus - Christmas lunch to end busy yearMangawhai Probus Club vice pres-ident Jim Wintle welcomed members and new visitors Linda and David Fos-ter, and Beryl Stewart, to the November meeting.
Jim advised of important matters: The Mangawhai Probus Christmas lunch, feedback required for the Man-gawhai Fire Service to have ‘licence to occupy’ next to St John at Mangawhai Park, and the opening of the new Man-gawhai Museum. Guest speakers Mini speaker was real estate agent Carla Gordon, who has been working for Ray White since May of this year, and lived in Mangawhai for six years. She gave us a very interesting talk on what is happening in the overall real es-tate market, what it means to be prop-erty owners in Mangawhai, changes in real estate laws, marketing methods to protect sellers and buyers, and what you need to look for in an agent that you have appointed to sell your home. The main speakers for the day, Trevor and Dawn Donald from Dar-gaville, were introduced following af-ternoon tea. They gave a very interest-ing talk on living and working in the Solomon Islands 1974-78, Fiji 1992-1995 and again in Honiara, the Solo-mon Islands 2004 when Trevor was asked by the Aussie Government to help restore the collapse of the Honiara City Council and staff. Their time in Suva, Fiji, was also very busy – they lived on the Campus opposite the Aussie Embassy. Trevor was employed in Suva at the Fijian In- stitute of Technology, and designed, implemented and trained staff on all financial, administrative and manage-ment systems. Dawn joined in with other women in local groups where they raised funds for charity, made baby gowns for maternity units, and for orphanages. Don’t forget Mangawhai Probus Christmas Luncheon, 12 noon, Thursday December 18 at The Club. Contact Beve Smith 431 5777 to put you name down or if you require transport. |