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Education subject of Matariki Wearable Arts supreme winner

matariki te hana 2013(copy)The Te Hana Matariki Maori Wearable Arts and Variety Evening held on July 20 was a great success this year with the added attraction of Fashion on a Tight Budget, presented by Mangawhai’s St John Shop.

Mangawhai personality Joanna Roberts shared the microphone with MC Richard Nahi to present this segment of the evening which saw her joining the other volunteers on the catwalk.

Judges of the Wearable Arts Competition, entitled Wahine Toa – Warrior Princess, were Keely Heremaia, Gay Pride and Betty Nelley.

“The judges did a superb job,” said event spokesperson Jenny Ashford. “The criteria of the competition was to make a garment that fit the theme and to use natural materials from New Zealand’s flora and fauna.”

The winner of the College Section was the hugely talented Danielle Aldworth who has now won the section two years running.

Matakana’s Ross Callender won the inaugural Attention To Detail prize.

The Supreme Winner and winner of the Adults Open Section was Ruby (Edie) Nielson with her entry entitled Education Makes Wahine Toa, representing the levels of education with hand-woven flax kete which increased in size from the tiny Kohanga Reo right up to the largest kete of Whare Wananga. This was capped off with a University Graduate mortarboard also woven in flax.

“Without education our young wahine are left without direction and tend to have no forward momentum to challenge themselves,” says Ruby. “Encourage your kotiro to challenge themselves to become Wahine Toa.”

This profound statement won the hearts of the judges. Ruby’s prize was two tickets to the World of Wearable Arts in Wellington, including flights, sponsored by Lake Road Quarries.

Mangawhai featured again in the evening with a display of award winning jewellery with a Matariki theme by local artist, Donna Shadick. Other entertainment involved the Ariki Vaine Polynesian Dance group, the local Te Hana Kotahitanga Kapa Haka group and a wonderful display of contemporary korowai (feather cloaks).

“The Te Hana Trust would like to thank all those that supported this annual event,” said Ms Ashford
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