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Ed Said - More costs for ratepayers?

dadKaipara Council CEO Steve Ruru has announced that it may cost $500,000 to defend the charges brought by the MRRA. This is precisely $500,000 that council doesn’t have and hasn’t budgeted for.

On one hand Kaipara Citizens spokesman Ron Manderson says these costs are grossly over-estimated though given the time involved plus the cost of legal representation these days I’d say they are fairly close to the mark.

On the other hand MRRA spokesman Bruce Rogan has said on radio that the KDC doesn’t need to spend any money, they just simply need to comply with the demands of the dissenting ratepayers. He refers to Mr Ruru’s costs claim as ‘overstated scaremongering’ – right up there with his own claims of people committing suicide, suffering heart attacks and strokes, and losing their homes. Surely the first two claims, were they true, would have made national, if not international news? As to the third, some people may have lost their homes through actions by banks or financiers for non-payment of mortgages but as yet nobody has lost their home through non-payment of rates. Having set about backing council into a corner by initiating this court action does Mr Rogan not think council will defend itself?

Legal costs for the MRRA will be borne by their members who are, of course, ratepayers. Costs for the council will be borne by all ratepayers (including the dissenters) as that is where council gets its income.

Now, there is a third hand to this – that of the complying ratepayers. A growing number have questioned why, if they are paying or have paid their rates, should they be further penalised by the few who persist in bucking the system? 

Good question. In short, the tail is attempting to wag the dog.

As at the end of February over 80 percent of Kaipara property owners had paid, or had arranged to pay, their rates. Why should they be forced into additional charges by the actions of a minority who have an axe to grind?

I fail to see any winners here if this action follows its course to the end.

On a lighter note don’t forget May 12 – Mothers Day. They may not still be with us but we have certainly all had one, and, as we can only ever have just one it’s good for the soul to offer a kind thought and a moment of remembrance.

Just my humble opinion.

Rob and the team.
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