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 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Did You Know?

Community asset needs funds
Wow! Have you checked out what’s going on at the Mangawhai Activity Zone (MAZ) lately? Certainly a very popular place to go these school holidays, and for good reason. MAZ Charitable Trust members are dedicated and determined to create a truly fantastic area for the whole family to enjoy, no matter how long it takes. 
Simon Bennett and Colin Gallagher gave an audio visual presentation to the council meeting held in Mangawhai last week to support their request for funding from the Reserves Contribution, showing the state of the area five years ago, what has been achieved, and what is planned. 
The two top-class skate bowls are well patronised, along with the hard court area, swings and bike trails. Construction has begun on the ‘street plaza’, and on May 5 there is to be a working bee to assemble some stunning play equipment sourced (at a very ‘community friendly’ price) from Sylvia Park shopping centre. All this has been accomplished through tremendous support from local businesses and contractors, voluntary labour, and some grants. 
MAZ is a family friendly area, much enjoyed, and a real asset to the community. But the bank balance has been drained, hence the request for some council funding and ongoing partnership. 
Celena’s relocates
Celena’s Gifts in the village has closed its doors but is relocating to Kaiwaka, near the Italian Bakery. “A very big, sincere thank you” says Celena, “to all those who supported us over the years.”
New man on the beat
And we have a new policeman on the beat. Constable Garth Mackay, who was previously stationed at Wellsford, has started work here and is of course, already very familiar with the area. With a young family, we all hope he will stay for quite a while!
Hibernation for tapas
Spotted the ‘Countdown, book now’ sign at Harvest Cafe? May 4 is the last night for the very popular tapas menu before Harvest changes to winter hours. So ‘book now’ means exactly that. Might pay to book in for Mother’s Day at the same time.
Drive thru coffee!
But let’s focus on the positive. When Tractor Cavalcade (wasn’t it fantastic?) participant, Tony Heath was driving past Fresh on his 1952 Ferguson the rain was pouring down, so Mark Reason rushed out with a hot coffee to warm him up. Very much appreciated!
Rumour is just that
And just because Bazaar World had a little sale sign out it didn’t mean they were closing! They have a 2 year lease and, contrary to rumour, are not going anywhere!
Mum’s the word…
All will soon be revealed as to what is happening at the construction site by Fresh.... just be patient.
Wood St pumps dry
Lots of rumour and speculation re the closing of the petrol pumps in Wood St. A very unfortunate set of circumstances led to the closing of the business, but the landlord and leasee are working together to resolve the situation. Fingers crossed that someone sees a business opportunity and the pumps start flowing again.
Support table tennis
Jill Parsons has been actively involved in the Mangawhai Table Tennis Club for 35 years – fantastic! But this year, she is definitely retiring, and is looking for support to keep the club going. The AGM is on Thurday May 2 at 7.30pm in the Mangawhai Library Hall. Please show your support by coming to this meeting if you are intending to play table tennis through to September. If you are playing, but can’t make the meeting, please phone Jill 431 4874.
Unicycle a balancing act
Ever wanted to try riding a unicycle? Spotted some at Scooters Plywood & Joinery Supplies, 43 Commerce St, Whangarei. Only $118 for either a 16 or 20-inch which seemed very reasonable to me. Unusual place to find them for sale, but Blair Scott, or Scooter as he is known, is a bit of a fan. Pop in and have a look when you are in Whangarei.
The best medicine
Quote on the blackboard outside Strong Accountants in the village: We don’t stop laughing because we are old, we grow old because we stop laughing.
SeniorNet iPad help sessions
Are you the owner of an iPad? They are, reportedly, intuitive, easy to use, easy to learn, but could you do with a little help? SeniorNet is having a group help session for users on Friday May 3 from 10.30am through to 12.30pm at the Learning Centre in Kaiwaka. Just $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Call Tony 431 2269 or Sheila 431 4305 to register, or email voyager2@slingshot.co.nz.
Fundraiser still going
Scrap metal – yes, the fundraising collection for the volunteer fire brigade is ongoing for the purchase of an auxillary vehicle. Old gas bottles, washing machines, roofing iron (not TV’s!) Just give Maurie a ring on 431 5325.

Judicial review will hurt
Only two people turned up for the hour-long discussion prior to the Kaipara District Council (KDC) meeting in Mangawhai last Tuesday, although one more person came along a little later! Good to be able to have one-on-one discussion with commissioners and staff. Several more folk did start coming and going during the formal council meeting and it was impossible not to realise the financial impact the judicial review action being taken by the Mangawhai Residents and Ratepayers Association (MRRA) will have on us all. 
With a commitment to reduce debt, yet maintain services, KDC now faces the pressure of funding the cost of assembly of information and defence of this action which is estimated at $500,000. This is unbudgeted expenditure which now needs to be included in the annual and Long Term Plan (LTP). So what are the options, made even more difficult by those withholding rate payments? Increase rates still further, cut back even more on expenditure? We all end up to paying one way or another.
And of course, it also means that no assistance can be given to MAZ right now…
News and views to share through this column? Contact Jo Roberts 431 4711, email jo.roberts@xtra.co.nz.
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