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Resthome seeks community support



mhvls-690The Riverview Rest Home and Retirement Village in Maungaturoto has served an important purpose within the Otamatea area for a number of years. Initially a 16 bed rest home it now offers 11 rental units, 14 ownyour-own units and a medical centre operated by Coast to Coast Health providing onsite care for all residents.

uch of the expansion over the years has been possible through the generosity of locals who recognise the value of such a facility and through the organisers of a number of fundraising events. Initially residents were locals or near residents who had lived and worked in the district, some for generations with a wish, in their twilight years, to remain near family and friends in familiar surroundings.

With the general growth in population in recent times there is now a need to undertake a further expansion, to cater for the ever increasing level of care required for residents. The first stage of the ‘Trusts Plan for The Future’ is a 14 bed Dementia Unit, with temporary respite, attached to the present resthome. Further stages will see an expanded rest home with hospital level facility.

The target for completion was November this year, however planning, siteworks and construction to ready the foundations for concrete have been completed but this is as far as existing funds have been able to stretch. Heading a fundraising committee is longtime resident Albie Paton – retired farmer, former livestock agent and a lynch pin in a number of fundraising enterprises in the area over a number of years. Scouts, St John, fire brigade, rescue helicopter and many others have benefitted from Albie’s coaxing, cajoling, ideas and schemes in raising literally hundreds of thousands of dollars from the community for the benefit of the community.

Albie has been put in charge of the fundraising arm of the Maungaturoto Charitable Trust with a target of $600,000 to supplement the $1.8 million bank facility which will see a targeted completion by the middle of next year. A big ask? “Theoretically,“ admits Albie “but the population is growing in the area, it’s an essential service and given the goodwill that has operated here for several generations I’m sure we can give this a good shake. And it’s a facility that will service the whole of the Kaipara to some degree, not just Otamatea.”

Having dealt with generations of families in the area there are few he doesn’t know, or know about to enlist or co-opt assistance. That figure will allow the Trust to become operational to care for ‘our people’. While a dozen or more projects have benefited through Government and public funding, Albie considers that has been more than matched by local committees and generosity.

The current hub of fundraising is The Den on Bickerstaffe Road. The former scout den is now home to an ongoing garage sale and the occasional auction. There is no limit to the variety of household goods, furniture, tools, whiteware and bric-a-brac that passes through the doors thanks to generous donations. “While there are sizeable donations from time to time, it’s very often the smaller and regular purchases or donations from locals which consistently help meet our targets,” says Albie. “I have some very good helpers and I’m having a quiet word in a few ears to hopefully generate some positive action. The more we can raise will mean the less interest we will have to pay.”

Apart from cash there are a number of donating options such as calf rearing or donating an animal, business people may donate the sale price of an article and assisting with fundraising events. “We’re happy to accept help from any area if people are willing and interested enough to be a part of the community spirit. In the end, everyone feels a part of the success.” „ Want to help or donate? Got a fundraising idea?

Call Albie on 431 8148. All monetary contributions will be receipted for tax purposes and all donations and contributions will be recognised in an appropriate way
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