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Mangawhai award could go nationwide

By Julia Wade

7 MF-StJohnGreensblues2 copy-701A gap in the award system of a well-known nationwide youth organisation has been amended thanks in part to an inspiring local youth leader, St John Mangawhai Divisional Manager, Anastasia Tinsel.

St John District Youth Manager, Todd Horton, and Tinsel are the shared ‘brainchildren’ behind two new St John awards: the Emerald and Sapphire Shields. 

St John Youth offer two ‘huge achievement awards’, the Super Penguin Badge for 6-8-year-old Penguins and the Grand Prior for 12-18-year-olds, however cadets in-between were missing out Tinsel says. 

“The problem was there was nothing outside of standard proficiency badges for the ‘Green’ cadets 8-10 years, and the ‘Blues’ 10-12 years, to work towards. So came the idea for the Emerald and Sapphire Shields,” she says. “And as it was our creation Mangawhai has been the trial district of the awards.” 

The Emerald and Sapphire Shields presentation, held at Molesworth Drive St John Station on March 17 and attended by St John officials, cadets and parents, was the first ceremony in the country and, all going well will be emulated throughout other New Zealand districts. 

Cadets hoping to achieve the shields must first complete three ability badges of their choice from a list of 26 (including caregivers, fire safety, kiwiana, global citizenship, IT and ventureship), pass external assessments in first aid, drill and St John history, and also take part in community work, 25 hours for the Emerald shield and 35 for Sapphire.

7 MF-StJohnGreensblues group-5“The presentation went really well and I am super thrilled that not only was the first recipient a Northland District Cadet, but they were also a Mangawhai Cadet and my oldest daughter, Samantha,” Tinsel says. “The next step is the launch of the award to the other regions and if passed, the Emerald and Sapphire Shield will become a nationwide award.”

Green and Blue cadets show their Proficiency Certificates with first Sapphire Shield recipient, Samantha Tinsel [middle] surrounded by St John officials. From left: Mangawhai Divisional Manager, Anastasia Tinsel, Area Committee Member Peter White, Bream Bay Area Committee Chair Bart de Ruiter, Station Manager Andrew Mumford, Northern Regional Youth Manager Debra Doyle and Northland District Youth Manager Todd Horton. – PHOTO/JULIA WADE

Proud leader and mum, Anastasia Tinsel (left), with first Sapphire Shield recipient, daughter Samantha, and Northland District Youth Manager Todd Horton. – PHOTO/JULIA WADE

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