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Sound advice from guest speaker


Rafaele Joudry MSc (Psych) spoke on Neural Plasticity: How to Wake up your Ear and Brain with Sound Therapy. Rafaele is an author, international keynote speaker and founder of Sound Therapy International.

Sound therapy was started by a Parisian doctor called Dr Tomatis. Music used to stimulate the brain and hearing.

Rafaele started by giving everyone a quiz on auditory processing, then answered some commonly asked questions regarding hearing and ear function. Loss of hearing can be due to ear function or auditory brain pathways. Sound therapy can address all these issues.

Rafaele demonstrated how hearing improvement used to be corrected with an old fashioned ear trumpet.

The education system is very proactive nowadays in making sure children can hear properly. Most people wait eight years to do something about poor hearing. With older people it is a use it or lose it scenario. As we age we lose neural pathways such as for hearing and suffer auditory deprivation.

Sound therapy helps to bring relief to people with tinnitis. It is also used to treat dyslexia and people with language problems.

Treatment is provided at special clinics or at home by buying the headset. One system suits everyone but there are three different routines you can use and you need to find out which one is right for you.

Rafaele’s mother wrote a book on sound therapy as she used it and benefitted from it. The book also contains stories from other users. This book and the headset system were available to purchase at the meeting.

By revitalising the ear-brain connection, you can increase energy, focus, memory and learning and improve hearing and quality of sleep. To learn more visit the website soundtherapyinternational.com.

Next meeting

Next meeting Thursday March 17, is a bus trip to Wenderholm and Devonport.

Note the annual general meeting is Thursday April 21 at Senior Citizens Hall, Fagan Street, Mangawhai, starting at 2pm.

Mangawhai Probus meet every third Thursday in the month at the Senior Citizens Hall, Fagan Place, Managwhai at 2pm. If you require more info or transport please contact Ron and Gaylene Lawrence 431 5617 or Beve Smith 431 5777. All visitors are welcome.

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