Home > Archives > 5th July 2021 Issue > Council responds to community submissions in Long Term Plan decisions
Council responds to community submissions in Long Term Plan decisionsKaipara District Council has endorsed a future-focused Long Term Plan (LTP) which aims to respond to a growing population while caring for the environment and keeping rates increases low. The LTP has a focus on providing infrastructure and facilities for a growing community, responding to climate change and considering the impact of the Government’s Three Water Infrastructure Review. Elected Members received and deliberated on 246 formal submissions before making amendments to the plan which sees rates increase on average for the first year at 5.1 percent, this will differ based on property values, and what services you’re connected to. See your draft rates for next year via kaipara.govt.nz/calculator. Mayor Dr Jason Smith said the LTP means the District is well prepared for the future. “We’ve now charted our next ten years, which we’ve called ‘Growing a Better Kaipara’ because that’s exactly what we are doing. Our Long Term Plan 2021-2031 is filled with projects that cover off the basics – investment in roading, waters, climate change and programmes for sustainable growth. We’ve got an ambitious schedule of capital works funded by external sources that will improve many areas of life in Kaipara, and have less impact on your rates.” “There are some areas of uncertainty too – the Three Waters reform, the Resource Management Act reform, Local Government reform, and the recently announced cut in NZTA funding are all things we’re mindful of, and we’ll keep you informed about as information comes to hand.” A majority of the submissions supported the council’s proposals, with some additional community projects asking for funding. Those receiving funding include: · Council approved the allocation of $20,000 to complement the Te Kopuru Community funded Pump Track development in Year 1 of the LTP. · Council will contribute up to $375,000 toward the Lincoln Downs Mountain Bike Park (in a 50 per cent matched funding model), predominantly focused on the access road and car park. · Council will contribute $100,000 to bring the previously neglected McClean Park in Kaiwaka up to a standard that is acceptable to the public and easier to maintain, in the first year of the LTP. · Council included $50,000 in Year 1 and $50,000 in Year 2 of the LTP to progress the Ripiro Beach management project. · Council agreed to include $100,000 in Year 1 to develop a business case (investigation and design) and $300,000 in Year 2 for construction, of the parking and connectivity improvements project at Baylys Beach as recommended by the Northland Transportation Alliance. · Money was brought forward to help fund, through the Northland Regional Council, an upgrade to portions of the Tsunami sirens.
A full list of all the Long Term Plan projects can be found via kaipara.govt.nz/ltp. The Long Term Plan is independently audited by Deloitte on behalf of the Auditor General. These are the key points in the audit opinion: · All councils have an Emphasis of Matter about the unknown impacts of forthcoming Three Waters reform. · The impact of constraints in the construction market around capital/infrastructure projects in the next 10 years.
There is a specific mention around the change to funding announced by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency in May, which council has not yet been fully informed about, so have been unable to reforecast finances. When the subsidy from Waka Kotahi is confirmed the council will realign budgets. There is also a note from Audit about the growth assumptions for Mangawhai, noting that if the population doesn’t grow as forecast, then development contributions may not be sufficient to pay down debt as planned. The Council will continue to monitor this growth and look to balance debt requirements and growth through the life of the plan.
“We’ve got an ambitious schedule of capital works funded by external sources that will improve many areas of life in Kaipara, and have less impact on your rates.” - Dr Jason Smith, Kaipara mayor |