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‘Unbelievable support’ for newly-formed Mangawhai representative group


thumbnail Doug Lloyd 2019-721Concerns about the impact of future development on Mangawhai’s character, amenities and services has led to the formation of a group of local residents called Mangawhai Matters.

Focusing on the proposed Mangawhai Central development and the draft Mangawhai Spatial Plan, a group of 57 residents met in early July and resolved to form a society representing Mangawhai through Kaipara District (KDC) planning processes and at planning hearings.

Mangawhai Matters spokesperson Doug Lloyd says the group is ‘off with a real hiss and a roar with unbelievable support’.

“We’re still trying to define exactly what we stand for and how we address things,” he says. “However we are concerned at the lack of consultation, especially with Mangawhai Central. We are not against it, we just want to understand a number of issues.”

He says there was overwhelming support from the meeting to ensure that KDC plans maintained the character of Mangawhai and that local infrastructure would support the speed and scale of rapid growth.

“We need to be vigilant that KDC ensures that the place where we live has the services, amenities and capacity to cope with the proposed residential development and commercial centre as well as protecting what makes Mangawhai special,” said Mr Lloyd.

“Our motivation is to ensure any development fully complies with the National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity. While we accept the growth pressures the community faces, our aim is that Mangawhai retains its character and appeal for future generations while meeting the needs of today.”

Mangawhai Central developer Viranda Partners has submitted its Private Plan Change to increase the allowable development for Mangawhai Central to potentially more than 1000 houses, with associated retail development, from the existing District Plan provision for 500 houses with retail development.

A total of about 200 objections to the Private Plan Change have been tabled with the KDC. The council has now published its summary of the objections and has called for further submissions by August 4, which will lead to a hearing before Independent Commissioners who will decide if the Private Plan Change proceeds. The current KDC timetable has this set for November this year. Submissions on the draft Spatial Plan closed on July 31.

Mr Lloyd said the group are keen to work with KDC to ensure the council’s plans are in line with community needs and expectations through both the Mangawhai Central process and the Spatial Plan.

“We will also hold the council to account should the community have on-going concerns throughout the planning process.”

Mangawhai Matters will let locals know when it plans a public meeting of residents to encourage membership and to seek input from the community on a proposed strategy and objectives.

„ For further information, or for requests to join Mangawhai Matters, please contact Doug Lloyd, doug.lloyd3@gmail. com; Peter Nicholas, peteranicholas@gmail. com; or Rachael Williams, oldskoolbrick@gmail.com.

Mangawhai Matters spokesperson Doug Lloyd says the group is ‘off with a real hiss and a roar’. PHOTO/FILE

“Our aim is that Mangawhai retains its character and appeal for future generations while meeting the needs of today.”

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