Home > Archives > 3rd August Issue 2020 > Latest KDC funding round benefits 41 community groups and organisations
Home > Archives > 3rd August Issue 2020 > Latest KDC funding round benefits 41 community groups and organisations
Latest KDC funding round benefits 41 community groups and organisationsMore than $122,000 has been awarded in the latest Kaipara District Council funding rounds for Community Grants, Rural Travel Fund, and Creative Communities Scheme.
Community Grants have been awarded to 21 organisations including Hakaru Community Hall ($8,361.38), Maungaturoto Centennial Community Centre ($11,781), Ripia Marae ($2,103.80), Te Roroa Charitable Trust ($6,777) and Taipuha Hall ($10,000). Community Grants are given to support events, services or activities that benefit the community; or for specific operational or maintenance costs of community facilities, including upgrading and future proofing. Chair of the Awards and Grants Committee, Councillor Peter Wethey, said all the successful applicants were incredibly deserving of the funds. “Groups and organisations like these help our Kaipara community to thrive – they play a vital role in the health and well-being of the district. We are delighted to support them,” says Councillor Wethey. Fourteen grants from the Rural Travel Fund have also been awarded. While Covid-19 restrictions have meant that a number of sporting events have been cancelled or changed, the Committee was still keen to support as many children as possible. A total of $9,825 was paid out from the Rural Travel Fund and allocated across the district. The Fund is designed to help subsidise travel for junior sports teams (5 to 19-year-olds) participating in their local competition. Successful applicants included Dargaville High School, Mangawhai Beach School, Otamatea Netball Club, and Pouto School. Finally, funding for the second round of the Creative Communities Scheme was also awarded to six applicants, to a total of $12,642.82. The Creative Communities Scheme provides funding for communities to be involved in local arts activities. Successful applicants included Jo Thomas, who will be running a free online oil painting class, Topaz Johnson for a new public mural in Paparoa, and to Te Kopuru School for their upcoming Matariki celebrations. The Creative Communities committee also had a number of membership changes, including the appointment of two new members – Jo Roberts and Emma Gray. For a list of all successful applicants, please see the Kaipara District Council website. The current funding round for Rural Travel Fund is open and has been extended until August 24 2020. The next Creative Communities Scheme funding round will open on August 1 and close August 31 2020. “Groups and organisations like these help our Kaipara community to thrive… We are delighted to support them.” - Cr Peter Wethey. |