Good Sorts: There when you need themFor some of the 60-plus brigade it’s hard to imagine one of their ilk having worked a lifetime in computers. Many are only just coming up to speed with modern technology, getting over their fears of pressing keys that give a magical response on the way to learning about emails, Skype, and the information highway that can keep family and friends around the world in touch on a daily basis. Mangawhai’s Computer Chap, Steve Green, a recent recipient of TV’s Good Sorts award, is the troubleshooting angel with a lifetime of IT knowledge. He hovers over Mangawhai literally day and night, waving his seemingly magic wand over more than 600 households per year, fixing their computer problems and settling their nervousness be it through technical problems or just needing a little tuition and reassurance. For newcomers, technology can come with an initial lack of knowledge and understanding but may also bring some confusion and even a degree of fear. Steve is the fix-it man and regardless of the call-out time or the problem the charge is always the same: It’s free! Some years ago he returned to the UK when his elderly Mother passed away then proceeded to introduce his over-80-year-old-father to a tablet, then a computer with emailing and Skype to keep in touch with family around the world. “Surprisingly he was very accepting and actually took to it like a duck to water,” says Steve. Steve is one of hundreds of philanthropists and volunteers who keep small communities like Mangawhai ticking over and up to speed with the outside world. “The world is getting smaller,“ says Steve who is doing his best to keep it that way in the interests of friends, family and community togetherness. THE FIXER: Steve Green shares his lifetime of experience with those that need it without charge. |