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Controlled purchase sting disappoints



Two recent Controlled Purchase Operations conducted at licensed premises throughout Northland by Northland DHB and NZ Police staff has resulted in a further disappointing result.

The operations saw underage volunteers, aged 16 and 17 years, attempting to purchase alcohol from licensed premises in Kaipara and Far North areas.

The operations resulted in two sales overall; one from the eight outlets tested in the Kaipara operation, and one from the 11 outlets tested in the Far North operation.

“Police are disappointed that a Kaipara premises in our area has failed the Controlled Purchase Operation,” said Senior Sergeant John Fagan, Area Prevention Manager, Whangarei/Kaipara Police. “All premises selling or supplying alcohol are aware that we run these types of operations regularly so should not be surprised that they are being tested. We expect that all premises should guard against sales to young persons and have the right procedures in place.”

Senior Constable Graeme Wright, Alcohol Harm Reduction Officer, Kerikeri Police also said the result was disappointing stressing that the premises involved should have better systems in place regarding not selling alcohol to minors.

“These sales of alcohol should not be occurring. All applicants when they make application for a license to sell alcohol state there are appropriate systems and procedures in place to prevent the sale of alcohol to underage people. Clearly this is not the case for the premises that sold to the volunteer.”

As a general rule, Police say if identification is unable to be produced by anyone attempting to purchase alcohol who looks under 25 years of age, the sellers should not sell the alcohol to them. A full identification check must be carried out including calculating age.

The consequences when the licensees are reported to the authorities are major and can result in a suspension of their license to sell alcohol for a number of days”.

Controlled Purchase Operations (CPOs) are part of an ongoing programme to assess compliance with the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 in an effort to address access to alcohol by minors.

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