Factory welcomes new managerMangawhai Heads’ popular op shop, The Factory, is now under new management from an old hand.
Factory spokesperson, Ken Rayward, says the shop welcomed their new store manager, Lyndsey Williamson who started the week of April 16. “Lyndsey is taking over the role from Phillippa King, who is pursuing her life's passion working in the movie industry,” Rayward says. “Lyndsey is well known and highly respected in the Mangawhai community, having lived here for 27 years, and being involved in other community initiatives.” Well-known for managing and supplying top quality food to Mangawhai Museum’s Jessie’s Cafe, Lyndsey also recruited, trained and supported a large group of volunteers, adding greatly to the museum's overall success. “Lyndsey will head up the 50-plus dedicated volunteers The Factory is privileged to have, ensuring the community continues to benefit from this wonderful fundraising initiative launched in October last year,” Rayward says. - JULIA WADE New manager Lyndsey Williamson (left) is welcomed in her new role by outgoing manager Phillippa King who has run the store since November 2017. |