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Worzel's World: Doctoring, The evidence


My scepticism regard-ing statements made and measures imposed in relation to the Covid phenomenon led me to research much of what passes for science in the field of medicine, phar-maceuticals and health care in general. Once I lifted the lid from that particular can of worms it was truly amazing what slithered out.

In the 1990s British doctor Vernon Coleman conducted research that proved conclusively that doctors, hospitals and drug companies were one of the three leading causes of death alongside cancer and circulatory system problems. These far outstripped the dan-gers posed by muggers and murderers, snakes and sharks. His findings were the basis of a book titled ‘How to Stop your Doctor Killing You'.

It may be that the suspension of elective surgery during the 2020 Covid phenomenon can partly explain why the number of deaths from all causes actually de-creased during that time

Any drug may be beneficial to the vast majority for which it is prescribed but there may still be one or two who react badly to it and may die as a result.

We are encouraged to believe that we are all equal when in truth we are not. We are, in fact, all individual. Most mistake the concept of equity, which denotes fairness, with equality which denotes sameness. This is what makes me sceptical when any synthetic product is claimed to be ‘safe’ and ‘effective’. This has never been true of anything. Anyone who makes such a statement cannot be trusted. They are either intentionally lying or delusional. The one-size-fits-all approach has never been true and defies logic. What is safe and effective for me may not be safe and effective for you. That is why giv-ing any medical treat-ment to fit and healthy people must always be wrong and why I will not be taking the vaccine.

There is no doubt that the correct treatment of the sick dispensed ju-diciously and in season has saved millions of lives. The correct use of antibiotics, for instance, has pulled many from of the carnivorous jaws of septicaemia. Yet there is also no doubt that their over-prescription has led to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. These ‘superbugs’ are responsible for increasing  numbers of fatalities that could have been avoided with a more conservative approach. Only recently a fellow working for a Maungaturoto-based company sustained in-jury due to accident. The injuries themselves should not have been life threatening but after admission to hospital he became infected by one such ‘superbug’ and died.We cannot entirely blame doctors or drug companies for this. It is mainly the fault of individuals who give up responsibility for their own health to the health industry. People have come to expect a cure based on consumption. The majority of illness does not need drug treatment. Yet at least 80 per cent of patients who visit a GP will be given a prescription

My mother’s prescription to ‘eat some green vegetables every day’ has given me a nasty case of guilt when I regularly fail to do so. My mother though died young of lung cancer ascribed to smoking dried brown vegetation frequently every day. It was before tobacco smoking was a proven carcinogen and scientists and studies sponsored by the tobacco industry pronounced it safe. My aunties gave up their own nicotine addic-tion after my mother’s death. One lived to 94, the other passed away this year in California at age 90. She was not a well woman. However due to advanced Alzhei-mers was probably not aware of it. Her death was listed as being from Covid-19.

In the field of medicine I have exactly the same qualifications as Bill Gates, none. Yet basic logic and reasoning should prevail. I have adopted a policy in life in general, as well as in health in particular, of ‘If in doubt leave it out’ and ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’. Both have stood me in good stead. Yet there are some glaring and obvious broken parts of our health care system. Although a technician or mechanic might take hours to diagnose a fault in a machine, doctors are allocated around 20 minutes of consultation time to diagnose more complex organisms called human beings. It cannot be adequately done.

It is assumed that when a sick patient re-ceives orthodox treat-ment their recovery is a result of that treatment. Yet this may be a false assumption. How many recover not because of the treatment but in spite of it? The reverse is as-sumed when unorthodox methods are employed. These are dismissed as ‘unexplained or sponta-neous recovery’.

What can we take from all this? Don’t take things at face value, do some research. Just because Bill Gates, Dr Fauci, me, or someone on telly wearing a white coat and a stethoscope says it, doesn’t mean that it is so. You are respon-sible for your own deci-sions. You can’t blame the doctor or the drug when you’re dead. When taking any drug, find out what it does and what side effects it has. When dealing with illness, don’t be afraid to get a second opinion.  

Feedback? Email profworzel@gmail.com
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