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Worzel's World: Do as you’re told, it’s easier



Worzel-413A critic who reviewed some of my work, mostly unpublished, observed that the articles themselves were acceptable enough but they ended in death and destruction. He said they read like the book of Revelation. I thanked him for the compliment.

In case people hadn’t noticed, death is the ultimate end of all that lives in this world. If you’ve watched the telly or listened to the radio news over the last couple of years, death is mostly what you will hear about. They dress it up to be a bogey man to be avoided at all costs.

In the early stages of the contrived pandemic, death tallies led every news report. They seem to have moved on to cases now since the death numbers have become less impressive. In New Zealand the death toll from the so-called Delta variant is just above zero, yet we have a nationwide lockdown?

Benjamin Franklin said ‘There are only two certainties in life. Death and taxes’. I am not yet convinced regards tax. The large corporations have head offices registered in tax havens and pay an amount similar to deaths from Delta. Taxed or not, all that lives is born to die. Any fool can die and every fool manages it sooner or later. As the man with the t-shirt printing company said: 'Dyeing is easy, it's making a living that's hard'.

What concerns me more than inevitable death is the loss of so much that is precious to the living. ‘Give me liberty or give me death‘ said Patrick Henry in a speech he made to the Second Virginia Convention in 1775. Such sentiments are seldom voiced these days. Although no one has coined a popular catch cry for today I might offer the following: ‘Give me lies about peace and safety and make me a slave as long as it’s easy, comfortable and convenient‘. This may need some work. Although true enough it doesn’t quite have the necessary poetic ring to it. Anything longer than three or four words, like ‘Build back better’ doesn’t seem to cut it these days. How about, ‘Do as you're told, it’s easier’. That’s much better. Maybe I should copyright it. Might even get some of the millions of taxpayer dollars our government has spent with advertising agencies pushing a similar narrative.

Death is not optional and anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar. However, freedom and truth are. We can roll over and expose our belly to the tyrant. We can believe the lie of peace and safety and a return to normal. We can fly in the face of fact and experience and tell ourselves that Big Brother has our best interests at heart. Yet it is abundantly clear that he has always had only his own interests to the fore and so far has not been found to possess any discernible heart whatsoever. I would posit that he doesn't even work in his own best interests.

Anyone can choose to pursue truth and wisdom or alternatively simply change the channel through which they are being programmed and pursue mindless entertainment and foolishness instead. Yet even here there are still challenging grains of truth that confront those in denial. To this end I will quote from what is entertainment. It is a transcript from the 1995 academy award winning movie ‘Braveheart’:

‘I am William Wallace. I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. You’ve

come to fight as free men. And free men you are. What will you do without freedom? Will you fight? Fight and you may die, run and you’ll live. At least a while. And dying in your bed many years from now would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance to come back here and kill our enemies? They may take our lives but they will never take our freedom’.

The film script was written by a Randall Wallace so it may be that he is some distant descendent of William. The real-life William Wallace did fight the English and won the right of Scotland to be a free and independent nation. Sadly, he was eventually captured and refusing to swear allegiance to the English King was hung, drawn and quartered without a trial on a charge of treason. Rumour and legend has it that his capture was a result of betrayal.

Many New Zealanders, including myself, have some Scottish ancestry. It is reasonable to assume many fought for freedom alongside William Wallace. Who are our enemy today? They are the same tyrants who would take away our freedom. Are there any now who are prepared to stand up and fight? Or have all believed the liars promise of peace and safety and decided to ‘do as you're told, it's easier’. It won’t be you know – living under tyrants never is.

n FEEDBACK: profworzel@gmail.com

In New Zealand the death toll from the so-called Delta variant is just above zero, yet we have a nationwide lockdown?

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