
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



20th March 2017

Heart and passion rewarded

Torrential rain and thunderstorms did nothing to deter a group of women from gathering for an early breakfast recently, to honour a woman they hold in high esteem.


6 Yellowrose 2017-378

From Kaipara Mayor, Greg Gent - Roading the biggest challenge

Mayors Message graph-592

Welcome focus on Northland roads

Though we are resigned to the fact that good things take time, it is certainly reassuring that road safety in the lower north is at last receiving some much-needed attention.

Matakohe bridges sod turning-89

Parents: Learn to manage your time

What do you do with your spare time? Is it spare time or is it wasted time?

There are lots of adages relating to time: Time waits for no man; All time not spent sleeping is wasted

Robyn Pearce Zonta-834

Worzels World - What do you see?

Getting your children back on track, naturally

Are you struggling to find a solution to your child’s ongoing health concerns? The Kids Day team may be able to help with natural solutions.

Crazy raft race returns

This could be bigger than the Scottish landing. After a break of 18 years, 2017 sees the return of the Waipu River Raft Race.



When good gardens go bad

Gardening can be a perilous occupation. There are many hazards waiting in store for the unwary. This time of year wasps can be a menace. I had begun to attack the long grass on the hill below part of the tea plantation. There is a flat native grass of the dichondra family which I am trying to encourage by chopping out paspalum and other grasses.


Erosion-controlling poplars, willows available again soon

Hill country farmers whose erosion-prone properties drain to the Kaipara Harbour may be eligible for a share of more than 3500 free poplar poles in a joint Northland Regional Council-Ministry for Primary Industries initiative.



Tempist Fujit back for live show

Local four-piece rock band Tempist Fujit have re-emerged.

Named from the Latin ‘Tempus Fugit’ meaning ‘Time Flies’, the band was founded in 2005 by Waipu couple Lisa Walters (vocals) and Douglas Gordon (guitar).



Meeting of minds to take on family violence

The recent radical overhaul of New Zealand’s child protection laws, which systems are to be implemented by the end of March, have prompted a local social service organisation to invite like-minded individuals to join the fight against family violence.

Police Snippets

On the run - A local man who escaped the clutches of police 
Bach targets - A number of burglaries and thefts 
Get tested - The importance of  methamphetamine tests
Caught on camera - A cellphone, wallet and tip jar stolen 


3 Furlongs suspects-857

Adventurers return from challenge of a lifetime

Two adventurous Mangawhai teenagers who won coveted Outward Bound scholarships have returned from their mind, body and soul challenge with renewed self-perspectives.



6 MF-OB1-82

Letters to the Editor

Stop illegal developments - Read Council’s development framework (policy area 3, page 46-49). 
Racist views rile - My goodness me, what rock did this so-called racist historian Noel Hilliam crawl out from?
Trump and the media - There is little doubt that a majority of NZ’ers regard President Trump in a negative light.

Waipu Carnival to wind up summer

The Waipu Carnival Crew are busy organising the annual Easter carnival scheduled for Saturday April 15.



Mangawhai’s passion for walking

A great kiwi love of walking is developing all over New Zealand and to celebrate the fervour for walking here, our very own fabulous Mangawhai Walking Weekend is about to begin – March 24-26. 


90 minute fight lands fish

Literally ‘first blood’ for the billfish season came from Mangawhai with local identity Simon Bennett landing a 134.5 kg stripey from Simon Carter’s boat Two Seas.


Bennett Marlin-971

NZ Open winner to play Mangawhai Pro-Am

Last weekend's stunning victory by Michael Hendry at the New Zealand Golf Open was widely celebrated by Mangawhai locals.

golf pro am-44
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