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Letters to the Editor



Climate change sceptic
Recently I was accused of being a climate change denier. Not true, folks. Climate has always been in perpetual change, right from the formation of the planet. Perhaps the term should have been “Man-made Climate Change Sceptic.”

A lot of scientists are making a lot of money out of being man-made global warming alarmists and they know on which side their bread is buttered.

Geo-history demonstrates that significant periods of CO2 increase are always preceded by global warming – not the other way around.

In 2015 in the Journal of Glaciology, NASA published a study titled ‘Mass gains of the Antarctic ice sheet exceed losses’. The authors are from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Centre and made the announcement after using satellites to examine the heights of the regions ice sheet.

Professor Valentina Zharkova of Northumbria University had earlier presented a model (claimed to have an accuracy of 97 per cent) predicting solar activity indicating that planet Earth is heading for a mini ice age from 2030 to 2040.

And then there are the cows. In 2006 the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organisation issued a report stating that animal agriculture generates more greenhouse gas emissions than all forms of transportation combined – more than 51 per cent of all global greenhouse emissions.

So how do we resolve the problem of human-generated pollution, solar sunspots disappearing, and pollution from animal flatulence? Hopefully the approaching mini ice age may cancel out any man-made global warming so that we end up back at square one. The only problem then may be: How can we stop cows from farting?

Mitch Morgan


Fishy tales
I read with interest Julia Wade’s article on commercial fishing in Mangawhai waters. I dispute the claim made by MPI that no trawlers are operating in local waters.

I live high on a ridge looking straight out to sea. We have a clear view of the waters between the spit and Taranga (the Hen). We sleep with our blinds up all the time and are frequently woken by very strong bright lights at sea, close in to shore. They come from two points, side by side, and while we don’t have x-ray vision or night vision binoculars, I am willing to swear the lights come from two boats which are seine net fishing.

I will certainly contact MPI the next time I see them, but I am not confident that they will take action. I believe it’s a foxes-guarding-the-hen-coop situation. But thanks for publishing their contact phone number, I will keep it handy.

Melanie Scott



Global cooling?
With regard to the letter from Mitch Morgan (Mangawhai Focus, Feb 6) espousing the idea that global cooling is about to begin based on a report that an American ice breaker recently found much more sea ice than usual to break through, I would like to offer the following.

As with any natural phenomena there is seldom one 'right' answer but a number of alternative reasons. In the case of the increase in sea ice, a contributing factor is overall warmer temperatures, not because the water is getting colder.

Here is a simple outline as it has been observed over many years of recorded research: Antarctica is basically shaped like a giant iced bun. The ice is around three-and-a-half kilometres deep at its highest point. The weight of the highest ice creates enormous pressure on the lower ice. As temperatures warm the ice structure changes with softer ice forming at the land/ice interface. Pressure from the heavy ice above causes it to become mobile, albeit at a very slow rate.

Just like the icing on a bun placed in a warm room the ice slowly oozes down and out, first onto the narrow beach platforms and then, as pressure from more mobile but still frozen ice behind mounts, onto the sea surface.

From Scott Base I have watched as pressure ridges form and huge sheets of ice rear upward before collapsing and covering the sea surface as they move outward away from the land. This happens extremely slowly over a number of weeks. Keeping in mind that temperatures are usually well below freezing even in summer it is inevitable that this ice will freeze solid on the sea surface.

Regarding the terms Global Warming or Cooling, I feel that terminology is now outdated and Climate Change is a more accurate, relevant term.

Jill Nicholls

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