Natural Way - Vanilla and oil for good healthI'm always very interested in hearing about new ideas and remedies for some of our more common ailments. Already I have had people say that the cinnamon remedies given last issue have helped them. The kitchen spice rack is indeed a veritable medicine cabinet. Cayenne powder deadens the pain of wounds, is antiseptic and has amazing tissue healing properties. The digestion-improving effects of ginger, the toothache relief from clove buds and the astringent healing properties of cinnamon powder are some of the more well known healing attributes of common spices. Less well known are the anti-carcinogenic properties of turmeric rhizome and the virus-destroying abilities of coconut fat. The kitchen spice rack holds more potential healing powers than most drugs. Garlic, for example, lowers high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol; nutmeg powder sprinkled in the hair destroys nits and cures athlete’s foot when mixed into a paste with lanoline. Have you ever heard of 'Oil Pulling'? There’s an interesting article about this ancient healing method for various health benefits in the latest issue of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine (Issue 6). The process is simple and inexpensive. Swish 15ml (1 tablespoon) of olive, sesame or sunflower oil around the mouth, forcing the oil between the teeth and swilling slowly for 15 to 20 minutes. Spit out after this time and rinse your mouth with water and drink 2 or 3 glasses of water immediately. What happens, according to the writer, is that the oil activates enzymes, which draw toxins from the blood, but more specifically, lipids in the oil help to extract toxins from the saliva. As the oil is forced around the mouth, sucking it through and in-between the teeth and over the tongue and gums, it absorbs toxin’s, indicated by the oil turning opaque-white. The reason for not swallowing it is so you don't reabsorb the toxins. This process can be done morning and evening before teeth brushing. The most effective oils to use are organic, preservative-free sesame and sunflower oils. The prime purpose of ‘oil-pulling’ is to remove bacteria, viruses, parasites and toxic material from the mucus membranes inside the mouth and the whole body. Benefits reported include teeth and gum strengthening; bleeding gums, gingivitis, bad breath and other oral disease prevention. Not only that, it seems the procedure may assist with almost any illness and chronic condition in the body. Here is an excellent treatment for headaches right from the kitchen spice rack. The ancient Egyptians researched headache cures because it was a real headache building mathematically-perfect pyramids by hand in those days. They discovered that chewing vanilla pod was the answer to throbbing temples, tense forehead, strokes, migraines and blood flow. Though they didn’t know why it worked they discovered that it would relieve a bad headache every time, regardless of the duration or intensity. They recorded that this fragrant bean was several times more effective than their previous old stand-by spice for head pains, which was turmeric, another common culinary spice. A person suffered from repetitive headaches for over 40 years until he began taking a tablespoon of pure vanilla essence in a glass of water before bedtime. He found his headaches reduced in severity by half after that first night and after repeating for two more evenings, his headaches were gone completely and have not returned in twelve months. Visit Good oil, Malcolm. |