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Printmakers to make impression with exhibition


Mangawhai Artists Gallery is delighted to be hosting the second annual Mangawhai Printmakers Exhibition this month. 

Along with a display of printmaking tools, seven printmakers are showing original handmade prints. Each artist has a distinctive style and several methods of printmaking will be on show. 

“We are thrilled that interest in printmaking is growing with more artists becoming part of the Mangawhai Printmakers group,” says curator Nicola Everett. “Last year our aim was to show people a range of printmaking techniques, this year we are displaying tools used by printmakers; there is a fascinating variety and we have quite a collection from specialised Japanese tools through to homemade dollies and barens.”

The local environment is reflected in some of the work on show. Nicola has bought her care and concern about the environment to the theme of tools and is showing print work that will be challenging for some people. 

The group is delighted to be showing eco printing by Christine den Hartogh – beautiful work with intriguing colours and images from the world around us. 

Gayle Forster is a printmaker working in Japanese Ukiyo-e style printing with tools she has made herself, and inspiration from the environment – air, water, and land in or on which people, animals and plants live. 

Toni Smith has a collection of etchings, images reflecting her 30 years living in Kaipara, all with wonderful titles, like ‘Chook in the Kitchen’, ‘Cats in the Laundry’ and ‘Gathering Pipis, Journeys End’.

The tools on display are a starting point for some of the art work with the artists exploring tools in the widest possible context. Wendy Clifford and Lynn Middleton are exploring images of tools used every day, in the home, at work and by artists.

The seventh of the printmakers is artist Edie Chappell, who is new to printmaking, and exploring shapes and layering techniques. 

Edie Chappell, Wendy Clifford, Nicola Everett, Gayle Forster, Christine den Hartogh, Lynn Middleton and Toni Smith are exhibiting in PRESSED, an exhibition of handmade original prints in Mangawhai Artists Gallery runs until until Wednesday October 24.

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