Be part of gallery fundraising effortMangawhai Artists Inc (MAI) is planning to extend the much loved Mangawhai Artists Gallery. Artist members and local people want to build a workspace to meet the demand of the expanding creativity and art in Mangawhai.
A special exhibition with a silent auction followed by a live auction is the first stage of a major campaign to raise $130,000. “The estimated cost of the extension is higher than that,” says MAI Chair Mary-Anne Boyd. “And we have generous support of a local supplier who will help with materials.The art auction is the beginning of our efforts with a range of fantastic art and local goodies on offer.” A PledgeMe campaign will follow the auction with artists and community offering rewards for those who pledge money to support the building of Mangawhai Artists Workspace. Mangawhai has great artists and more are arriving as they hear about what Mangawhai offers. Mangawhai artists already offer learning and art experience opportunities and can only offer winter workshops because there is no dedicated art workspace. The winter workshops are very popular but the feedback is always ‘more please, and throughout the year’. “Our artist members are committed to growing creativity in our Mangawhai community,” says Mary-Anne. You can be part of the creative vibe and help build the Mangawhai Artists Workspace. Come along to the Special Art Auction Exhibition opening 6pm Thursday January 24. Make a silent bid and also join in the live auction on Saturday February 2 at 5pm. Drop in to the Mangawhai Artists Gallery over Anniversary Weekend. The PledgeMe campaign begins on Saturday February 23 at 4pm in the courtyard at Bennett’s Cafe. Mangawhai Artists Gallery, 45 Moir St, Mangawhai Village. Open 7 days 10am – 3pm. Free entry. Online |